Inspire Service

Sunday Service | 9:30 a.m. & 11 a.m.

Gateway Central is made up of amazing people who are living connected, being transformed, and changing our world! Our Sunday experience is a ‘come as you are’ environment with something for the entire family including great programs for your kids and students.



Get Connected


Whether you’re new or have been coming for a while and aren’t connected yet, we believe that Starting Gate is the best next step for you to meet people and get connected! Starting Gate happens after our Sunday Service each week at Brazos Hall. We’ll share why we do what we do and give you a quick behind-the-scenes tour of our Serve Teams in action that make Sundays at Brazos Hall a reality so you can determine how you want to get started with us!


A Network is group of 20 or more people who are relationally connected because they’re committed to each other and to serving together. Some of our Networks are oriented around serving to make our Sunday services possible. Others focus on serving in their neighborhoods or serving a group of people with specific needs at Gateway or in the city.  They meet together on a regular basis to connect socially, support one another, and serve together.


Finding community where we can be intentional about our spiritual growth is going to make all the difference in our spiritual journey! Life Groups are 7-15 people who meet together weekly or every other week. We believe transformation happens as we seek to grow in a relationship with Jesus together. We aim to have real and honest conversations as we study the Bible together, all while becoming increasingly known by others who will help us walk out what we learn.


12-Step Group



Hurts, habits, and hang-ups lead to addictions, which take on many forms and keep us bound up, feeling alone, and isolated. Be it alcohol, drugs, sex/pornography, food, people pleasing, fear, anger, or perfectionism, we don’t have to struggle alone or stay bound.


This is a Christ-centered 12-step group for WOMEN who are looking for healing, growth, and transformation.


Childcare is available for 10 & under for $5 per child per week.

12 Step-Group



Hurts, habits, and hang-ups lead to addictions, which take on many forms and keep us bound up, feeling alone, and isolated. Be it alcohol, drugs, sex/pornography, food, people pleasing, fear, anger, or perfectionism, we don’t have to struggle alone or stay bound.


This is a Christ-centered 12-step group for MEN who are looking for healing, growth, and transformation


Childcare is available for 10 & under for $5 per child per week.


Unceasing Prayer is a collaborative effort by over 30 churches in the Greater Austin area to cover our city in prayer 24/7 to see the church in Austin unified with one heart and mind to unceasingly petition God through prayer.


Gateway has committed to pray when there is 5th Sunday in a month. Will you sign up to pray for a 1-hour time slot?

January 28th

If you’ve made a decision to follow Jesus, we have a great opportunity coming up to mark that decision and celebrate with friends and family by getting baptized.