Inspire Services

Regular Sunday Services | 9:30 a.m., 11 a.m., & 6 p.m.
6800 West Gate Blvd
Austin, TX 78745

Gateway South is made up of amazing people who are living connected, being transformed, and changing our world! Our Sunday experience is a ‘come as you are’ environment with something for the entire family including great programs for your kids and students.

  • Birth through elementary programs are offered at both morning services.
  • Middle school and high school programs are ONLY offered at the 11 a.m. service.
  • NextGen programs are NOT offered at the 6 p.m. service.


Epicenter: Year-End Giving

This year, stories of natural and human destruction have dominated the headlines. And when the news cycle moves on, we can’t help but ask, “What is God’s plan?” Simply put, we are. You are. The Church stays engaged. God has uniquely positioned Gateway in Austin and with partnerships in some of the places hit hardest by disaster — Houston, Las Vegas, Haiti and Burundi. We have a chance to join together and make a difference. Unprecedented disaster calls for unprecedented generosity.

Last fiscal year, Gateway South Austin gave $109,000 to our global partners, campus and church planting efforts, and to local serve initiatives.

This fiscal year, as we reach our budget goal we will give $135,000 to our global partners, campus and church planting efforts and local serve initiatives.

In addition, in order to be able to engage with our global and local partners more in the future and start new campuses in our city, we want to reduce what we owe for the buildout on our new space by $100,000.

Here’s how you can help us reach our goal:

Consider giving to Gateway Church in South Austin above and beyond what you already give.

Check this out: if over the next 12 months, 400 of us gave $100 more per month than what we are giving now, we will meet our fiscal year budget goals and be able to completely pay for what we borrowed to pay for the buildout of our new space!

We realize some of us cannot give that much, and some of us can give much more.

Ask God for guidance on what He wants you to give above your current level! Consider one of the following options:

• Start giving to God through your local church.
• Start tithing (giving 10% of your income) to God through your local church.
• Add to your current level of giving per month.
• Give a special gift this Christmas season beyond what you’ve ever given before.

Together we can accomplish far more than we can on our own.

Let’s hit our budget and pay off what we borrowed for the buildout of our space! As we give above and beyond and as we serve and love our city, we can bring the life and freedom that creates epicenters of impact here in Austin and around the world.

Find out more about our Epicenter partners at

Learn more straight from Campus Pastor Eric Bryant at his blog.

To give towards these epicenters of impact, just make your donation to the offering of the campus you attend.

For your contribution to be considered in the 2017 tax year, please make your donation prior to midnight CST 12/31/17 or postmarked by 12/31/2017. Thank you.


Get Connected


One of the best ways to move out of the crowd and into community is to serve others with others. To find your place to connect, join us at Starting Gate after any of the Sunday services. Just look for the banner right after the service and you will meet others new to Gateway, learn more about who we are as a church and why we do what we do.  You’ll also get a behind-the-scenes look at some of our Serve Teams including NextGen, Guest Services as well as Arts & Production.


A Network is group of 20 or more people who are relationally connected because they’re committed to each other and to serving together. Many of our Networks are oriented around serving to make our Sunday services possible. Others focus on serving in their neighborhoods or serving a group of people with specific needs at Gateway or in the city.  They meet together on a regular basis to connect socially, support one another, and serve together.

Life Groups

Finding community where we can be intentional about our spiritual growth is going to make all the difference in our spiritual journey! Life Groups are 7-15 people who meet together weekly or every other week. We believe transformation happens as we seek to grow in a relationship with Jesus together. We aim to have real and honest conversations as we study the Bible together, all while becoming increasingly known by others who will help us walk out what we learn.


12-Step Group



Hurts, habits, and hang-ups lead to addictions, which take on many forms and keep us bound up, feeling alone, and isolated. Be it alcohol, drugs, sex/pornography, food, people pleasing, fear, anger, or perfectionism, we don’t have to struggle alone or stay bound.


This is a Christ-centered 12-step group for WOMEN who are looking for healing, growth, and transformation.


Childcare is available for 10 & under for $5 per child per week.

12 Step-Group



Hurts, habits, and hang-ups lead to addictions, which take on many forms and keep us bound up, feeling alone, and isolated. Be it alcohol, drugs, sex/pornography, food, people pleasing, fear, anger, or perfectionism, we don’t have to struggle alone or stay bound.


This is a Christ-centered 12-step group for MEN who are looking for healing, growth, and transformation.


Childcare is available for 10 & under for $5 per child per week.

December 31st

Unceasing Prayer is a collaborative effort by over 30 churches in the Greater Austin area to cover our city in prayer 24/7 to see the church in Austin unified with one heart and mind to unceasingly petition God through prayer.


Gateway has committed to pray when there is 5th Sunday in a month. Sunday, December 31st, is our next time to pray together! Will you sign up to pray for a 1-hour time slot?

January 11th


6:30-8 p.m.


If you’re new to Gateway, join Eric, our Campus Pastor, along with others who are new to Gateway at our New-to-Gateway dinner! This will be a great opportunity to get to know others and get connected into community!

January 28th

If you’ve made a decision to follow Jesus, we have a great opportunity coming up to mark that decision and celebrate with friends and family by getting baptized.