RESTORE IS A VERB — An action word. Restoration returns us to our intended state of existence.

If you are struggling with any crisis in life – whether it’s addiction, loss, abuse, divorce, or relational brokenness – we have something for you in our Restore program. Restore offers “Next Step” opportunities to those seeking hope, healing and restoration. Listed below you’ll find options including both individual and couples counseling, and a variety of special-topic classes designed to provide community and support to those seeking next steps.


Why do we keep doing things we know we shouldn’t do? Hear what John Burke has to say about God’s plan for our restoration in the video above.


Some of us have secrets from our past or even our present situation that we feel we cannot share. We live with hurts, habits and hang-ups only to end up feeling alone and afraid. We don’t have to suffer alone or stay bound. It’s time to recover.

Gateway Recovery is composed of 12 steps and is open to anyone struggling with hurts, habits and hang-ups.


We believe it is our role as a church to meet you where you are in life, just as God does. We are a community of people “in process”, and we are constantly working on transforming ourselves. We want to help you to transform as well, which is why we offer a variety of special-topic groups and classes.

These topics include setting boundaries, divorce care, grief sharing, parenting, soulmates, and financial peace. 

1 to 1 Ministry

Gateway Church is a place where God meets people who are far from perfect. Sometimes our lives and spiritual growth can become derailed by circumstances and choices — ours or someone else’s. Need a starting place?

The 1 to 1 Team might be a first step for you.


We all need prayer. It is powerful. Prayer is an important part of the community here at Gateway Church.

We have a fantastic prayer team that is always looking for ways to pray and encourage you. Whether you need prayer or you want to join our prayer team, follow the link below for more information.


Counseling is a process of discovery, learning, healing and growth done in the context of a professional, confidential and therapeutic relationship.

Counseling can help you find self-awareness and understanding, heart-felt healing and hope, and deeper faith in God and in yourself. If you are an individual or a couple seeking healing or growth, see more.

Community Care

At Gateway Church, we are a community of people who care.

Community Care empowers individuals and families in need by increasing their spiritual, social and economic strength. Community Care offers financial assistance that is available for those who attend Gateway regularly. For more details or application information, follow the link below.