Next Baptism

All Austin locations- January 28, 2018

Baptism for Adults

Baptism Info

We recommend you download this Baptism Packet that includes information and a short self study guide that will help you understand the purpose and significance of Baptism and whether or not this is the next step for you.




Not sure what to wear or how it all happens? Keep scrolling down the page and get all of the details you need by checking out Frequently Asked Questions about Baptism below.

Contact Us

If you have more questions or would like to meet with someone to discuss your questions in person, please contact us.


For Gateway North, email

For Gateway South, email

For Gateway Central, email

For Gateway Branson, email

For Gateway Online, email

RSVP for Next Baptism

Fill out my online form.

Baptism for Kids

Can my young child or infant be baptized?

Can my kid or student be baptized?

  • When a kid or student makes the decision to be baptized, we think it is a really big deal. That’s why we do things for kids and students who get baptized that we don’t do for adults!
  • For more information visit the NextGen Baptism page.


Do I have to let Gateway know in advance I want to get baptized?

  • We do encourage you to RSVP above as we want to connect with you beforehand whenever possible
  • Many people do just decide on the spot to get baptized during the service and “go home wet,” which is great, and we’ll have towels for those circumstances. If you’re looking at this page though, that means you’ve been thinking about getting baptized so we appreciate your RSVP so we can support you well and plan accordingly.

What should I wear/bring?

  • Please come ready to get wet. Men typically wear swim trunks and a shirt. Women typically wear a swimsuit with light-weight shorts & t-shirt over the top. Those who decide to “go home wet” will be baptized in whatever they’re wearing.
  • Please invite friends & family to celebrate with you! Baptism at Gateway is a joyful event; friends often bring balloons or banners and we cheer loudly for everybody!
  • Please leave your keys/cell phone with a friend.
  • You do not need to bring your baptism self-study guide, unless you have questions.
  • We have some towels, though please try to bring your own.

When should I come and what happens?

  • Attend the service you normally go to. When it ends, go to the baptism area. We have baptisms after every service.
  • Check-in where indicated. You’ll fill out a small information card, then be directed to someone who will pray with & for you. This person can also answer any last-minute questions. If you are ready to be baptized, you’ll then go into the pool where a Leader or Pastor will baptize you.
  • Your friends & family are welcome to come with you for prayer. Most people go into the pool alone, though if you really want to have a friend go into the pool also, that’s fine.

Can my friend/parent/Life Group Leader baptize me?

  • If you are involved in a Life Group, talk to your Life Group Leader for more information.
  • If you are not involved in a Life Group, then it may be possible for someone else to baptize you. We suggest you have that person show up at the baptism area at least 25 minutes prior to the end of the service. They should come ready to get wet and they should bring a towel. This person needs to be a Christ-follower, who has been baptized, and we prefer that they are actively part of Gateway Church.

Can I be baptized if I’m not a “member” of Gateway?

  • Gateway doesn’t actually have “membership”—we are happy to baptize anyone who has made a decision to trust Christ.
  • If you have a church home elsewhere, we do encourage you to be baptized there, surrounded by your church family. However, you are also welcome to be baptized here.

What about baptism for people who are part of Gateway Online?

  • If you’re in the Austin area, we encourage you to join us for one of our three Baptism Sundays throughout the year.
  • If you’re not in Austin, we encourage you to find a church near you and celebrate baptism with them, or we can try to connect you with a church or other Christ followers in your area.

Can I be baptized in a lake/pool or at a time of my choosing?

  • You can. The idea of Baptism is celebration and a public declaration of your decision to follow Christ.  The important elements include your community of Christ followers who have been part of your journey and water.  We encourage you to involve one of our staff or your Life Group leader so that we as a church can celebrate with you!

I have limited mobility; can I be baptized?

  • Yes, of course! Let us know your limitations and we will work to accommodate a celebration for you.

Can my friends/family/spouse be baptized alongside me?

  • Yes, certainly! Please come to the check-in area together.

Who do I contact if I have more questions?

Audio Resources

Me 2.0

The New Me (1:07:32)

Rick Shurtz speaks about what Scripture says about change.

My New Heart (36:09)

Rick Shurtz talks about how to live fully and passionately after dying to your old self and being reborn.

My New Mind (35:53)

John Burke speaks about a renewed mind.

My New Friends (44:35)

Ted Beasley speaks about connecting in community at different levels while keeping God at the center.

Why Do We Do That?

Worship & Communion (42:30)

Worship and Communion might seem a little archaic and “Religious”. Well, they are. But they don’t have to be. Maybe there’s more to them… maybe we can explain why we do them.

Baptism (34:56)

You might be wondering why we do certain things… things that seem archaic or “Religious”. Like Baptism, that dunk in the water followed by doves or something. We’d like to explain it, why we do that.

Essential Elements

Grace (33:26)

John Burke speaks about how the gift of Grace given to us by God through the sacrifice of his Son Jesus can be celebrated through baptism. Grace is what sets Christianity apart from all other religions and philosophies.

Why Should I Read The Bible (36:09)

John Burke speaks about the spiritual benefits of reading the Bible.

Soul Revolution

Developing A Spiritual Workout (34:28)

John Burke explains how to get into peak spiritual condition.