Gateway Recovery

Hurts, habits and hang-ups lead to addiction, which takes on many forms and keeps us bound up, feeling alone and isolated. Whether it’s alcohol, drugs, sex/pornography, food, pride, lying, codependency, control, people pleasing, fear of all kinds, anger or perfectionism … suffering follows. We don’t have to suffer alone or stay bound.

Gateway Church offers a faith-based 12-step program that provides support and community for those struggling with any type of addiction.


Gateway Recovery's Big Open Group Meeting

Gateway’s 12-Step Recovery Group gathers together for dinner every Thursday evening at 6:00 PM in the Garage at Gateway North. At 6:45 PM, the group meets in a combined-gender large group meeting, and then gender-specific groups break off for small group discussion and sharing until 9 PM.

Because crisis does not always coincide with our class or group schedule, our Thursday night Recovery group is open to anyone and everyone 50 weeks a year (excluding Thanksgiving and Christmas). Just show up and find a supportive group of people regardless of what your struggle might be.


Childcare is provided from 6:30-8:45/9:00 PM on Thursdays for children ages 0-12. No notice is needed.


Evening Overview:

6:00 – 6:45:  Dinner together  (Free for first-timers, $4.00 otherwise; children eat free.)
6:45 – 7:45:  Lesson or Life Story
7:45 – 8:45/9:00:  Gender specific open share groups


Step Studies

Step Studies are gender specific groups that meet weekly to work through a specific workbook chosen to help each individual with their personal journey of dealing with and overcoming hurts, habits and hangups.

There are generally two types of groups offered: The first focuses primarily on addictions of any kind and the second is directed toward those that are dealing with codependency. The groups begin open and after the fourth week close to include those participants that want to make the confidential commitment together toward freedom.

Questions?  Email or call the office Sunday through Thursday 9 AM – 5 PM at 512-837-2162.

Step Studies


Codependency Step Study

  • Mondays, 7-9 PM

Addiction Step Study

  • TBD


Codependency Step Study


Addiction Step Study

  • TBD

Sexual Addiction Recovery

Join us for 12-step recovery, which provides a Christ-centered support group for men struggling with sexual addiction and/or questions around gender identify and same-sex attraction. Whatever the specific addiction or struggle, be it pornography, cyber-sex, affairs or exhibitionism, recovery is focused on setting men free.

We meet Thursday evenings at 7 PM at Gateway North in the Garage. 

For additional information, email